
加拿大人,本中心专职外教。毕业于加拿大运用艺术和技术学院,美国三藩市国际旅游管理学院,拥有国际认可的 TESOL 资格证书。曾任职旅游公司部门经理、加拿大国家危机预防和干预组织行政总裁,个人创办人力资源发展咨询公司,并在中国担任英语教师多年。上课生动活泼,风趣幽默,善于调动课堂气氛,寓教于乐,深受学生喜爱。
Mr. Russ Gaudet has been a facilitator, teacher and entrepreneur for over 15 years and graduated with his TESOL Certification at Global TESOL College in Halifax , Nova Scotia . He also is a Graduate of Success College of Applied Arts and Technology in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship. Mr. Gaudet has his International Tour Management Certification from the International Tour Management Institute in San Francisco . He has certification in Adult Facilitation and Leadership Train the Trainer from Wakinyan College in British Columbia and from the Nova Scotia Foster Parent Association. He is certified as a Trainer in Non Violent Physical Crisis Intervention from the Crisis Prevention Institute in Wisconsin . He was the Executive Director and President of Toughlove Canada ( a Canadian National Crisis Prevention an Intervention Organization) for several years. He has been an entrepreneur with his Human Resources Consulting firm working with Human Resources Development Canada.